Local Transport Guide

Here’s a rundown of the local transport services running in the Subiaco, Shenton Park and West Perth area.

General Information:
To educate yourself about our local transport system, start here: Visiting Perth – Transport

Handy Tip: Google Maps offers to easiest and most up-to-date way to plan your travel. Follow the link here and enter your destination location, follow the directions. Select walk, drive or public transport for specific details. Enter your location into Google Maps to locate the nearest bus stop and its ID number/route.

Subiaco Shuttle

The Subiaco Shuttle (route 97 bus) is a high-frequency local bus service that connects Subiaco Train Station, QEII Medical Centre and The University of Western Australia.

The Subiaco Shuttle runs every 15 minutes from 6.43am to 6.30pm on weekdays.

Local Train Routes:

Subiaco, Shenton Park and West Perth all sit on the Perth to Fremantle Line – See Timetable HERE

Local Bus Routes:

97 – Runs between Subiaco Train Station and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital – View Here
28 – Runs between Claremont and Perth City along Roberts Rd and returns down Hay St – View Here
27 – Runs between Claremont and Perth City along Bagot Road – View Here
 – Runs from the City to Fremantle along Thomas St through UWA – View Here

Subiaco Free Tram Service:

This free local service runs on the hour leaving from the Subiaco Train Station, arriving at our Subiaco Village location at about 10 past the hour.  A nice tourist route through Subiaco to Kings Park.  Highly recommended for a look around the suburb, or for a lift to the shops or Kings Park – for more details see Subiaco Free Tram Service

To get to:
UWA – Bus Route 103
Hospitals – Bus Route 97 or 103
(SCGH, PCH, Hollywood Private, KEMH)
Cottesloe Beach – Train
Fremantle – Bus Route 103 or Train
Claremont Showgrounds – Train
Mt Claremont Sports Grounds – Bus Route 28
HBF Stadium – Bus Route 28

Perth Free Transit Zone:

The following area in Perth City is a free transit zone.  You can get on and off any bus in this zone for free.  More information here.

The free transit zone is walking distance from our apartments at Subiaco Village, 222 Hay Street, Subiaco.

Transport map


There are a number of buses that service just the city area – this is also a free service. Use this useful tool to schedule: Timetable

Visiting Perth – Transport
Google Maps indicates the nearest bus stop to your location.

Free cat map

Taxi:If all else fails call an Uber or taxi.

Uber – download the App from the App store
Swan Taxi – 131330

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